The Law of Sowing & Reaping
Imagine running errands and you realize you need to get some cash. You are a little far from your favorite ATM so you pull into a drive-through ATM you don’t normally go to. You withdraw a bit more than you normally would for your errands. As the ATM dispenses the cash, the stack of bills feels off. You drive away to your first stop of errands but something is nagging you. You decide you better count the cash. After counting it you realize that the ATM dispensed more cash than you withdrew.
What would you do?
You rationalize that no one saw. It is a random bank. Some nameless bank owned by a nameless corporation. If they mixed up the $50 dollar bills with the $20 bills whose fault is that? Plus, if they are a big bank, would they even notice that they mixed up bills? That stuff must happen pretty often. It would be all too easy to pocket the money and not spend a second more thinking about it. After all, maybe it's a gift from God!
Here is something to consider. There is a law. No, it is not the law of the land enforced by police and judges. It is an absolute law that exists and it is always operating whether you see it or believe it or not. It's like gravity. It is always there, always working, even if you can’t perceive it. It is the law of sowing and reaping.
Join us for this webinar to unpack the law of sowing and reaping. This is fundamental for anyone standing in faith for their marriage restoration. God has countless examples of sowing and reaping but if you catch this one secret, it will change your life and your stand.