LK Testimony

Like many of us, the world’s rules crept into LK’s marriage and strife began to take over. As if overnight, the enemy came to steal and destroy the calling that God has on their lives and their future ministry. Secrets, lies, and infidelity destroyed trust and crushed dreams. Seemingly hopeless, they lived apart, separated from one another as their families drew battle lines. But the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob is greater!

God supernaturally met LK in the depths of despair. She cried out to the Lord and laid down her marriage at the foot of the cross. It was there that He spoke to LK and told her what to do. The first was “It is not over.” The rest of the instructions were not all at once. It was a series of leaps of faith that she had to take. From that experience, she learned the keys to what would become marriage restoration for her and her husband.

Watch this session to hear how God not only restored their marriage but breathed new life into their family. This restored marriage testimony is sure to encourage anyone standing for healing in their marriage.