Adultery - How to Handle the Hurt

I. Deal honestly with your emotions.
Father, just as David came to you with his feelings of hurt, betrayal and rejection, we come to you also. Lord, we hurt, too, because of the adultery in the lives of our spouses. We give you the hurt, betrayal, rejection, anger, and confusion. We release these to You so that Your healing can be released to us. We see what adultery has done to our children and we hurt for them. We release this hurt, also. Reach inside us, Jesus, and bring inner healing. Your Word says You came to “heal the broken hearted and to set at liberty them that are bruised.” We receive healing for our broken hearts, wounded spirits, and damaged emotions. We forgive our spouses for the adultery and also forgive any others involved. We ask forgiveness for any wrong responses we have had. We ask You to continue our healing process and thank You that we are being set free—body, soul and spirit. Amen.
Use the weapons of spiritual warfare to remain victorious and help your spouse be freed of adultery. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
I. God has provided weapons to use against Satan’s attacks on our minds.
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from New American Standard Bible (NASB) copyright 1960, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation.
I. Deal honestly with your emotions.
A. Tell God just what you are feeling.
B. Release hurt to God so healing can be released to you. (Matt 11:28-30; 1 Peter 5:7; Psa 55:22)
C. Encourage yourself in the Lord. (Psa 119:49-50 & Psa 119:107 (NKJV); Rom 15:4 (New Eng))
II. Avoid Satan’s trap of judgment. (John 20:23 (NKJV))A. Only God has the right to judge others. (Deuteronomy 32:35-36; James 4:11-12)
B. Allow the Holy Spirit to be your judge. (Proverbs 20:23, 24, 27; Romans 8:26-27)
C. You can come to God with confidence because you have the righteousness of Jesus.
1. Lack of confidence results in a loss of faith.
2. Lack of confidence results in a loss of desire to pray and praise. (1 John 3:21-23)
III. God commands us not to criticize but to forgive. (Matthew 7:1-5 (Phillips)A. We must forgive quickly and repeatedly. (Matthew 18:34-35 (NKJV); Ephesians 4:32)
1. There is no limit to the number of times we forgive. (Matthew 18:21-22 (NKJV))
2. There is no limit on what we are to forgive. (Luke 23:34 (NKJV))
3. We are to conform to God’s nature which is one of forgiveness. (Psalm 86:5 (NKJV))
B. Deal with any hidden area of unforgiveness.
1. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal unforgiveness. (John 16:13a; Matthew 10:26)
2. As an act of your will verbally tell the Lord that you do forgive them. (1 Cor 11:29-30)
3. Ask Jesus to reach inside and bring inner healing. (Luke 4:18)
Father, just as David came to you with his feelings of hurt, betrayal and rejection, we come to you also. Lord, we hurt, too, because of the adultery in the lives of our spouses. We give you the hurt, betrayal, rejection, anger, and confusion. We release these to You so that Your healing can be released to us. We see what adultery has done to our children and we hurt for them. We release this hurt, also. Reach inside us, Jesus, and bring inner healing. Your Word says You came to “heal the broken hearted and to set at liberty them that are bruised.” We receive healing for our broken hearts, wounded spirits, and damaged emotions. We forgive our spouses for the adultery and also forgive any others involved. We ask forgiveness for any wrong responses we have had. We ask You to continue our healing process and thank You that we are being set free—body, soul and spirit. Amen.
Use the weapons of spiritual warfare to remain victorious and help your spouse be freed of adultery. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
I. God has provided weapons to use against Satan’s attacks on our minds.
A. Take control of your thoughts by refusing ungodly thoughts. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
1. Satan flees when we resist him. (1 Peter 5:8-9; James 4:7)
2. Jesus resisted the devil with the Word of God.
B. Meditate on the Word of God. (Psalm 119:99)
1. Meditation helps build faith within us.
2. Meditation helps us control our tongues and avoid strife.
3. We gain wisdom and understanding to deal with difficult circumstances.
4. When we meditate, God’s Word promises us peace. (Isaiah 26:3)
II. The mouth is the launching area for spiritual warfare. (Proverbs 18:20-21; Psalm 107:2-3; Ephesians 4:27,29-32)A. Apply the principle of binding and loosing. (Matthew 16:19)
1. Identify the spirit to be bound (by name or by action).
2. Speak God’s power into effect.
a. Use your authority in Jesus; address the spirit
b. Bind the spirit
c. Loose the person from any residual effects of the spirit and loose godly qualities.
3. Keep a record of what you have bound and the date.
4. Trust God; we act on FAITH, not feelings. Manifestations use God’s time-clock.
B. Pray the Word of God. (Isaiah 55:10-11)
1. God directs us to speak His Word. (Joshua 1:8)
2. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in praying God’s Word.
a. Ask the Lord for directions on what to pray. (James 1:5-7)
b. Pray in the spirit to strengthen yourself. (Jude 20; 1 Corinthians 14:2; 2:11; 13:1)
3. Remember to pray God’s word for yourself as well. (Ephesians 5:19)
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from New American Standard Bible (NASB) copyright 1960, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation.
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