
By: Deana Bell, Director, Restored Marriage
On this very day, 8 years ago, my husband and I separated.
Some years the day seems to come and go without me ever noticing and other years I have found myself in a struggle.
The New Oxford American Dictionary defines "D-Day" (in addition to the WWII reference) as "the day on which an important operation is to begin or a change to take effect." I have never looked at my situation 8 years ago with so much hope after reading this simple definition.
Last week, on this blog, we talked about the influence of the enemy's kingdom in our lives and how, if we are unaware, we are able to be easily fooled and more susceptible to sin. This week, I want us to focus on God's "important operation" that was also in play as my separation occurred.
Do you think for a second that God did not know that my husband and I were going to separate and almost divorce? The answer is "NO." Of course, He knew. And because He knew He needed to have a plan as well. And as Scripture tells us His plans are the ones that will prevail. (see Proverbs 19:21, Isaiah 14:24, 2 Chronicles 20:6, Job 42:2)
So what was God's operation that took effect as my husband and I were separating?
I am not special or different in the way that God sees my purpose. I often encounter people who say (or think) "Well that's what God did for you." and then they discount themselves by adding, "My situation is different (more bleak) and I haven't seen any of what you are talking about in my own life." If you are thinking that RIGHT NOW, I break it off in Jesus' name. Please repent for that ungodly thought and instead, impart what God wants you to know…..you are worthy, you are faithful, and your marriage matters to Him. He WILL do for you what He has done for me and even more. You have a testimony too!
I'm sure you probably have your own D-Day. I'm sure you remember it well. I'm quite certain that it probably causes you additional trauma just to think about it. Please trust me and turn this D-Day from a curse to a blessing.
Look back at your D-Day and read the definition again…….."the day on which an important operation is to begin or a change to take effect." If you then choose to believe that GOD has an operation, as we saw earlier in Scripture, denounce the devil's operation and declare what we know is true from the WORD……GOD'S OPERATION WILL PREVAIL…….you need only have faith and believe it.
I encourage you to stop reading this blog RIGHT NOW and get out a notebook. What is God saying to you about His operation? Write down, like I did above, at least FOUR THINGS that God has spoken to your heart about what HE alone is planning. Share them in the comments section if you would like so that we can pray for each other. Or, if you would prefer, share your list with a friend and ask them to pray with you over your list. Pray that His purpose and operation will go down deep into your soul and find a place, that when the enemy attacks. Pray that you will remember on your "D-Day" that God prevails, not the enemy.
I promise you that when you walk in forgiveness and confident of what God WILL do for you, your life will change significantly.
Some years the day seems to come and go without me ever noticing and other years I have found myself in a struggle.
The New Oxford American Dictionary defines "D-Day" (in addition to the WWII reference) as "the day on which an important operation is to begin or a change to take effect." I have never looked at my situation 8 years ago with so much hope after reading this simple definition.
Last week, on this blog, we talked about the influence of the enemy's kingdom in our lives and how, if we are unaware, we are able to be easily fooled and more susceptible to sin. This week, I want us to focus on God's "important operation" that was also in play as my separation occurred.
Do you think for a second that God did not know that my husband and I were going to separate and almost divorce? The answer is "NO." Of course, He knew. And because He knew He needed to have a plan as well. And as Scripture tells us His plans are the ones that will prevail. (see Proverbs 19:21, Isaiah 14:24, 2 Chronicles 20:6, Job 42:2)
So what was God's operation that took effect as my husband and I were separating?
- God's plan……and I believe this is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the operation…was that my husband would become saved and enter into His kingdom.
- God's plan was that both my husband and I would come to know Him more, first separately, and then as a couple.
- God's plan was that we would repent to one another, forgive one another and start a life on a new page.
- God's plan was that we would serve him, together, for the rest of our lives as a one-flesh couple.
I am not special or different in the way that God sees my purpose. I often encounter people who say (or think) "Well that's what God did for you." and then they discount themselves by adding, "My situation is different (more bleak) and I haven't seen any of what you are talking about in my own life." If you are thinking that RIGHT NOW, I break it off in Jesus' name. Please repent for that ungodly thought and instead, impart what God wants you to know…..you are worthy, you are faithful, and your marriage matters to Him. He WILL do for you what He has done for me and even more. You have a testimony too!
I'm sure you probably have your own D-Day. I'm sure you remember it well. I'm quite certain that it probably causes you additional trauma just to think about it. Please trust me and turn this D-Day from a curse to a blessing.
Look back at your D-Day and read the definition again…….."the day on which an important operation is to begin or a change to take effect." If you then choose to believe that GOD has an operation, as we saw earlier in Scripture, denounce the devil's operation and declare what we know is true from the WORD……GOD'S OPERATION WILL PREVAIL…….you need only have faith and believe it.
I encourage you to stop reading this blog RIGHT NOW and get out a notebook. What is God saying to you about His operation? Write down, like I did above, at least FOUR THINGS that God has spoken to your heart about what HE alone is planning. Share them in the comments section if you would like so that we can pray for each other. Or, if you would prefer, share your list with a friend and ask them to pray with you over your list. Pray that His purpose and operation will go down deep into your soul and find a place, that when the enemy attacks. Pray that you will remember on your "D-Day" that God prevails, not the enemy.
I promise you that when you walk in forgiveness and confident of what God WILL do for you, your life will change significantly.
Deana is currently one of the Directors of Covenant Keepers, International. She graduated from the Dove School of Leadership through Chesapeake Bible College and received her Pastor's license in 2019. Previously she and her husband, Koji, served as the Mid-West Regional Directors of Covenant Keepers and as small group leaders in that area. She has a degree in Secondary Education as well as experience in counseling from a biblical standpoint. For the last 20 years, she has also served her family as a stay-at-home mom and homeschool teacher. Deana's marriage has been restored since 2013.
She is passionate about having a relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. She has seen many miracles in her life as well as in the lives of the people around her. At her core, she is an encourager and disciple of Christ, spending most of her days ministering to people and digging into the Word. She also speaks at conferences, loves to write, and teach the Word of God. She and her family currently live and attend church in the Charlotte, NC area.
She is passionate about having a relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. She has seen many miracles in her life as well as in the lives of the people around her. At her core, she is an encourager and disciple of Christ, spending most of her days ministering to people and digging into the Word. She also speaks at conferences, loves to write, and teach the Word of God. She and her family currently live and attend church in the Charlotte, NC area.

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