The Illusion of Your Circumstances...

It would appear that Satan, the enemy of our souls, has increased his attacks upon believers, and of course upon Covenant Keepers around the world. Circumstances appear to be insurmountable for many and discouragement has resulted. We should not be surprised by these attacks because, according to 2 Corinthians 2:11 we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices. Also, circumstances are not always as they appear. The enemy tries to make things look much worse than they are because he wants us to believe our situations are impossible.
I am reminded of how God taught me this principle several years ago. The Holy Spirit prompted me to drive to an area nearby my home and do spiritual warfare and pull down strongholds over that vicinity. Strongholds of fornication, adultery, drinking, partying, seduction, allurement, separation and divorce.
I felt directed to a certain property and to use it as the catalyst for my prayers. Located in a heavily wooded area that backed up to a lake, the home was protected by large, very tall stockade-type gates and fencing across the front of the property.
Those massive gates were padlocked, but I could peer between them and see the home and surrounding area. My prayer partner and I began to pray as the Spirit directed, taking authority over the enemy and pulling down his strongholds. In about an hour we felt a release in our spirits and felt we could leave.
As we started walking away, I had the sudden desire to go to the end of the fence and see what kind of protection was on each side of the property. I made my way under trees and brush to the end of the fence. Imagine my surprise to discover that there was no fencing whatsoever, along the sides of the property. The gates and fence across the front gave the impression of a highly protected home. One that was totally barricaded. In truth, anyone could go to the end of the fence and walk onto the property because there was nothing to keep an intruder out. It was all an illusion!
The devil tries to build an illusion of circumstances so big that we feel there is nothing we can do to change things. However, God’s Word says nothing is impossible with Him and He is greater than anything the devil can use against us. As we continue to stand and speak God's Word, circumstances and situations must line up with the Word.
Some of you may feel that your miracle is no closer than yesterday and perhaps even farther away. Be encouraged: “Whoever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith.” (1 John 5:4)
Are you waiting to see some improvement in your situation to convince you that God will heal your marriage?
If you need such proof, then you are NOT walking by faith, but by sight. That is the exact opposite of what God calls us to do. “But we live by faith, not by what we see.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Remember that God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8,9) and He tells us to “lean not unto your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5) To walk by faith we must call “what be not as though it is.” (Romans 4:17) Faith pleases God and helps us to receive all His blessings.
Faith is an essential part of each miracle, especially of healed marriages. Remember that the double-minded man receives nothing. We become double-minded when we entertain negative thoughts and words (ours or others) that open the door for doubt and fear to come and destroy our faith.
Don’t dwell on your circumstances. Hope deferred truly does make the heart sick. (Proverbs 13:12) It is far better to nurture our faith with the Word of God. Faith “comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) It should not be an option for you to pray God’s Word aloud over your circumstances. It is as essential as the air you breathe. Without the Word your faith will shrivel up and die.
The battleground for your marriage is in your mind.
The people or circumstances in your life are not the problem, it is how you react to them that determines your situation. Satan will fire his lies into your mind (“It’s hopeless.” “You can’t bear it.” “He/she will never change.”) and YOU make the choice whether or not to believe them.
Be aware that when you worry you are actually meditating on the enemy’s thoughts.
Satan is glorified and empowered more in your life each time you focus on his “truths.” That is why God tells us to do the exact opposite, to meditate on what is pure, lovely, and noble. (Philippians 4:8)
Put on your armor, especially the shield of faith, take up the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, and speak out what God says about you, your spouse, and your circumstances. Circumstances are only temporary and can change—but God and His truth, revealed in the Word, never change.
I am reminded of how God taught me this principle several years ago. The Holy Spirit prompted me to drive to an area nearby my home and do spiritual warfare and pull down strongholds over that vicinity. Strongholds of fornication, adultery, drinking, partying, seduction, allurement, separation and divorce.
I felt directed to a certain property and to use it as the catalyst for my prayers. Located in a heavily wooded area that backed up to a lake, the home was protected by large, very tall stockade-type gates and fencing across the front of the property.
Those massive gates were padlocked, but I could peer between them and see the home and surrounding area. My prayer partner and I began to pray as the Spirit directed, taking authority over the enemy and pulling down his strongholds. In about an hour we felt a release in our spirits and felt we could leave.
As we started walking away, I had the sudden desire to go to the end of the fence and see what kind of protection was on each side of the property. I made my way under trees and brush to the end of the fence. Imagine my surprise to discover that there was no fencing whatsoever, along the sides of the property. The gates and fence across the front gave the impression of a highly protected home. One that was totally barricaded. In truth, anyone could go to the end of the fence and walk onto the property because there was nothing to keep an intruder out. It was all an illusion!
The devil tries to build an illusion of circumstances so big that we feel there is nothing we can do to change things. However, God’s Word says nothing is impossible with Him and He is greater than anything the devil can use against us. As we continue to stand and speak God's Word, circumstances and situations must line up with the Word.
Some of you may feel that your miracle is no closer than yesterday and perhaps even farther away. Be encouraged: “Whoever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith.” (1 John 5:4)
Are you waiting to see some improvement in your situation to convince you that God will heal your marriage?
If you need such proof, then you are NOT walking by faith, but by sight. That is the exact opposite of what God calls us to do. “But we live by faith, not by what we see.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Remember that God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8,9) and He tells us to “lean not unto your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5) To walk by faith we must call “what be not as though it is.” (Romans 4:17) Faith pleases God and helps us to receive all His blessings.
Faith is an essential part of each miracle, especially of healed marriages. Remember that the double-minded man receives nothing. We become double-minded when we entertain negative thoughts and words (ours or others) that open the door for doubt and fear to come and destroy our faith.
Don’t dwell on your circumstances. Hope deferred truly does make the heart sick. (Proverbs 13:12) It is far better to nurture our faith with the Word of God. Faith “comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) It should not be an option for you to pray God’s Word aloud over your circumstances. It is as essential as the air you breathe. Without the Word your faith will shrivel up and die.
The battleground for your marriage is in your mind.
The people or circumstances in your life are not the problem, it is how you react to them that determines your situation. Satan will fire his lies into your mind (“It’s hopeless.” “You can’t bear it.” “He/she will never change.”) and YOU make the choice whether or not to believe them.
Be aware that when you worry you are actually meditating on the enemy’s thoughts.
Satan is glorified and empowered more in your life each time you focus on his “truths.” That is why God tells us to do the exact opposite, to meditate on what is pure, lovely, and noble. (Philippians 4:8)
Put on your armor, especially the shield of faith, take up the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, and speak out what God says about you, your spouse, and your circumstances. Circumstances are only temporary and can change—but God and His truth, revealed in the Word, never change.
Would you consider giving a donation to Covenant Keepers? Our goal in 2020 is to spread the word of covenant marriage to all who have ears to hear. We need your support, prayerfully and financially. Every little bit helps. Every seed that you plant with us helps us to reach our goal and broaden the knowledge of those who are yet to learn about God's special promise in marriage. Please know that we are thankful and blessed for any way that you can help.
Also, consider meeting others like you in 2020. We are a FAMILY. Join us for our Covenant Keepers Conference July 23-26, 2020 here in BEAUTIFUL Charlotte, NC. I promise, you will leave changed, blessed and encouraged in your marriage journey!!!! Can't wait to see you then!!!
Also, consider meeting others like you in 2020. We are a FAMILY. Join us for our Covenant Keepers Conference July 23-26, 2020 here in BEAUTIFUL Charlotte, NC. I promise, you will leave changed, blessed and encouraged in your marriage journey!!!! Can't wait to see you then!!!
Posted in From the Archives
Posted in my spouse wants a divorce, alternative to divorce, can my marriage be saved
Posted in my spouse wants a divorce, alternative to divorce, can my marriage be saved
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