When God Calls You To Dig Deep....He's Having A Baby With The Other Woman.

BY: Anonymous
"Blessing the Non-Covenant Child in the Womb; Later Being Blessed by This Child"
"What? You're having a baby with the other woman?"
"Oh, my goodness!"
But then again, I wasn't completely surprised because my husband had been living with the other woman for some time now.
This was the 70's and this kind of behavior was completely unacceptable from a married man living with a young woman more than 15 years his junior.
A few years before this, my husband had sent our two children and me away from our home in Puerto Rico back to the states to live with my parents, who agreed they would take care of us until we could make it on our own.
The reason? This other, younger woman.
What started out as a genuine concern for an unsaved soul, quickly turned into the devil's playground. My husband and I were a Christian, God-fearing couple concerned about this young woman who did not know the Lord. We were inviting her to our church youth group, to which she declined. But she DID, however, accept an invitation to go along with me to the Christian Women's Club a couple of times and heard the gospel preached there. Satan apparently had already moved quickly into my husband's heart and mind to form an inappropriate relationship with her.
"For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander." Matthew 15:19
A few years later, still married, although separated at this point, my husband dropped the bombshell while we were in another state for his business meeting and because he wanted to see our young daughter. There he told me his non-covenant partner was pregnant!
"What?!" I cried out, "Jesus help us; we need help."
I said to him, "Let's get down on our knees and pray. We need to pray for you, for her, for the baby, for me, and for our two children." He looked humiliated and embarrassed and said, "I can't pray. you pray."
So, I got on my knees, holding his hand, and cried from the depths of my heart for help and mercy for us. And to please bless that precious little one in the womb.
I knew I had to walk in love. Indeed, their baby girl made it to full term, safe, and healthy.
During her pregnancy, the Lord showed me to prepare for Mother's Day by going to the Hallmark card store and buying a card for the non-covenant woman carrying my husband's baby.
I was shocked and said, "But, but I cannot congratulate a woman pregnant by my husband. All right, if you insist, I will look for a generic card with which I can be comfortable." I did find a simple acknowledgment of her pregnancy but not saying the word congratulations to this mother-to-be. As I signed my name to it, I remember being prompted by the Holy Spirit again as He asked me to include this statement...
"I pray that your baby will bless you as much as our two children have blessed me."
Later I received a sincere thank-you for the card through my husband.
Another thing that The Holy Spirit prompted me to do while the other woman was pregnant was to dedicate this unborn child to the Lord. My husband and I had dedicated our first baby together in our church. With our second baby, he refused to go to the church with me to dedicate her because he was already in adultery. At our little girl's dedication, my pastor broke down and cried in front of the congregation as he said we need to start out by praying for this little girl's daddy. Then he spoke the words of dedicating her to the Lord and praying for us as parents.
So now the Lord is asking me to dedicate this unborn child to the Lord!! I was shocked again and did not understand why I would do this, not being the parent. But the Lord assured me He knows what He's doing, and I should do it. It seems the Lord often speaks to me with a direction but never answers my "why" questions. He remains silent after giving this direction.
So, I sat myself down and asked the Lord to help me to dedicate this precious child in the womb to Him and His destiny for her. I did as the Lord asked, without further question.
When this little one was three and a half years old, she blessed me out of my socks!
While my husband and I were still separated, and still married, my husband and the other woman decided to fly to my area of the country to visit our children and my husband's relatives. The only problem was, that they needed a car. They could not rent a car, so my husband requested using my car for five days. I was aghast, thinking he has nerve. I could not see this being God's will, so I said, "No, I need my car." However, the Lord worked on my heart to call him back and say, "Yes, you may have my car. I do not need it that week after Christmas because my relatives are going to be visiting, and they have a car."
When they got to my house, I realized the non-covenant woman did not have a winter coat because of coming from a warmer climate. So, I went to my coat closet and gave her one to use. I remembered what Jesus said, "If your enemy needs a coat, give him one." My visiting relative was very shocked and asked me why I lent her one of my coats. I was surprised myself. But God gave me grace.
During one of those days of coming and going from my house picking up our children and dropping them off, my husband asked their little three-and-a-half-year-old non-covenant child to go and stand by my chair and tell me the Bible verses that she was learning in a Christian preschool. She learned a scripture verse for every letter of the alphabet. She stood there and, in her sweet little child voice, quoted the Bible by memory. I don't remember what the letter A stood for, but I remember B was for "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved and your household. Acts 16:32." The letter C was for "Children, obey your parents in the Lord. Ephesians 6:1." D was for "Depart from evil and do good. Psalm 34:14." With a quick glance at my husband, I saw his eyes looking down at the floor. When she got to the letter I, the Lord prompted me in my heart to listen carefully because, he said, "this is for you." She said, "If you ask anything in my name, I will do it. John 14:14."
My heart was so full, and my eyes were filling up with tears as I thanked her. I felt so blessed!
One more time, a few months later, I got to hear her verses again when they returned to my area for a funeral. I got permission to take her along in my car with my children to visit a local site. I asked her to sit next to me and tell me the Bible verses again. Once again, I was overwhelmed and said to God, "You are truly amazing, blessing me through this sweet child, dedicated to You!!"
Scriptures to ponder:
In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you. Matt. 7:12 NAS
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matt.5:44 NAS
Jesus commanded we should forgive seventy times seven. Matt.19:21-22 NAS
No weapon that is formed against you will prosper. Isa. 54:17 NAS
"What? You're having a baby with the other woman?"
"Oh, my goodness!"
But then again, I wasn't completely surprised because my husband had been living with the other woman for some time now.
This was the 70's and this kind of behavior was completely unacceptable from a married man living with a young woman more than 15 years his junior.
A few years before this, my husband had sent our two children and me away from our home in Puerto Rico back to the states to live with my parents, who agreed they would take care of us until we could make it on our own.
The reason? This other, younger woman.
What started out as a genuine concern for an unsaved soul, quickly turned into the devil's playground. My husband and I were a Christian, God-fearing couple concerned about this young woman who did not know the Lord. We were inviting her to our church youth group, to which she declined. But she DID, however, accept an invitation to go along with me to the Christian Women's Club a couple of times and heard the gospel preached there. Satan apparently had already moved quickly into my husband's heart and mind to form an inappropriate relationship with her.
"For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander." Matthew 15:19
A few years later, still married, although separated at this point, my husband dropped the bombshell while we were in another state for his business meeting and because he wanted to see our young daughter. There he told me his non-covenant partner was pregnant!
"What?!" I cried out, "Jesus help us; we need help."
I said to him, "Let's get down on our knees and pray. We need to pray for you, for her, for the baby, for me, and for our two children." He looked humiliated and embarrassed and said, "I can't pray. you pray."
So, I got on my knees, holding his hand, and cried from the depths of my heart for help and mercy for us. And to please bless that precious little one in the womb.
I knew I had to walk in love. Indeed, their baby girl made it to full term, safe, and healthy.
During her pregnancy, the Lord showed me to prepare for Mother's Day by going to the Hallmark card store and buying a card for the non-covenant woman carrying my husband's baby.
I was shocked and said, "But, but I cannot congratulate a woman pregnant by my husband. All right, if you insist, I will look for a generic card with which I can be comfortable." I did find a simple acknowledgment of her pregnancy but not saying the word congratulations to this mother-to-be. As I signed my name to it, I remember being prompted by the Holy Spirit again as He asked me to include this statement...
"I pray that your baby will bless you as much as our two children have blessed me."
Later I received a sincere thank-you for the card through my husband.
Another thing that The Holy Spirit prompted me to do while the other woman was pregnant was to dedicate this unborn child to the Lord. My husband and I had dedicated our first baby together in our church. With our second baby, he refused to go to the church with me to dedicate her because he was already in adultery. At our little girl's dedication, my pastor broke down and cried in front of the congregation as he said we need to start out by praying for this little girl's daddy. Then he spoke the words of dedicating her to the Lord and praying for us as parents.
So now the Lord is asking me to dedicate this unborn child to the Lord!! I was shocked again and did not understand why I would do this, not being the parent. But the Lord assured me He knows what He's doing, and I should do it. It seems the Lord often speaks to me with a direction but never answers my "why" questions. He remains silent after giving this direction.
So, I sat myself down and asked the Lord to help me to dedicate this precious child in the womb to Him and His destiny for her. I did as the Lord asked, without further question.
When this little one was three and a half years old, she blessed me out of my socks!
While my husband and I were still separated, and still married, my husband and the other woman decided to fly to my area of the country to visit our children and my husband's relatives. The only problem was, that they needed a car. They could not rent a car, so my husband requested using my car for five days. I was aghast, thinking he has nerve. I could not see this being God's will, so I said, "No, I need my car." However, the Lord worked on my heart to call him back and say, "Yes, you may have my car. I do not need it that week after Christmas because my relatives are going to be visiting, and they have a car."
When they got to my house, I realized the non-covenant woman did not have a winter coat because of coming from a warmer climate. So, I went to my coat closet and gave her one to use. I remembered what Jesus said, "If your enemy needs a coat, give him one." My visiting relative was very shocked and asked me why I lent her one of my coats. I was surprised myself. But God gave me grace.
During one of those days of coming and going from my house picking up our children and dropping them off, my husband asked their little three-and-a-half-year-old non-covenant child to go and stand by my chair and tell me the Bible verses that she was learning in a Christian preschool. She learned a scripture verse for every letter of the alphabet. She stood there and, in her sweet little child voice, quoted the Bible by memory. I don't remember what the letter A stood for, but I remember B was for "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved and your household. Acts 16:32." The letter C was for "Children, obey your parents in the Lord. Ephesians 6:1." D was for "Depart from evil and do good. Psalm 34:14." With a quick glance at my husband, I saw his eyes looking down at the floor. When she got to the letter I, the Lord prompted me in my heart to listen carefully because, he said, "this is for you." She said, "If you ask anything in my name, I will do it. John 14:14."
My heart was so full, and my eyes were filling up with tears as I thanked her. I felt so blessed!
One more time, a few months later, I got to hear her verses again when they returned to my area for a funeral. I got permission to take her along in my car with my children to visit a local site. I asked her to sit next to me and tell me the Bible verses again. Once again, I was overwhelmed and said to God, "You are truly amazing, blessing me through this sweet child, dedicated to You!!"
Scriptures to ponder:
In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you. Matt. 7:12 NAS
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matt.5:44 NAS
Jesus commanded we should forgive seventy times seven. Matt.19:21-22 NAS
No weapon that is formed against you will prosper. Isa. 54:17 NAS
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