Rhema Word - God's Word Spoken to You!

BY: Anonymous (a stander and group leader)
The night I asked the Lord for a Rhema word to help me stand for marriage restoration, I had no idea what to expect or how the Lord would get that word to me. How would I know it was from God? What would it mean? Was it Biblical?
About five months into my stand (alone; hadn't yet heard of Covenant Keepers ministry), a friend told me I should ask God for a Rhema word to help me "know" that standing was God's will for my life. I had delved deep into the Word in the months since my husband had left home, but I was wavering and struggling to keep the faith that restoration would actually happen. I hoped that if I prayed for something so personal, just for me, that God would give it to me. So that very night, after our conversation, I went to bed praying for God to provide me with such a word.
The following day, just as I was waking up but not fully awake, I heard these words in my spirit: "Not by might, not by power." I understood that I was hearing Scripture, but wasn't sure where to find it in the Bible. I got my Bible and started to dig. Actually, there were no Bible apps in those days (or Google), so I had to use an old-fashioned and very valued concordance to look up the words spoken to me. I found those words in Zechariah 4:6. "Not by might; not by power; but by My spirit, says the Lord of Hosts." I knew by the Spirit of God that was my Rhema word. But, what did it mean? Let's back up just a bit and find out what Rhema itself means.
In the Bible, we find that there are two different Greek words to refer to the word of God. One of these is "logos", and the other is "rhema." Logos refers to the written word. We read the logos and gain knowledge of God and history and all sorts of amazing things. Rhema is different and refers to the intimate speaking of God TO us. It's the truth we need to hear, custom-made just for us! It is God communicating personally to us through the Spirit's voice directly into our hearts. When you get that "rhema" from God, you know in your "knower" that it's from the Lord! It's something quite hard to explain unless you've experienced it before. But, that's what I experienced the morning I woke up to my rhema word in my spirit.
"Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word (rhema) that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4
Now that I had my word, it was time to ask God what it meant. This conversation with God, has taken many life experiences and trials to learn the depth of what this rhema word actually means.
One instance happened just a couple of years ago when the Lord revealed something shocking to me. The Lord revealed to me that what I had thought I had done to bring my husband around to visit me regularly was actually Him. One day when my husband randomly showed up, the Lord asked me, "Did you do that?" To which I replied, "No Lord, you did it." Then, He continued to ask me questions about other things that I had thought I had done, to which I replied, each time, that indeed I hadn't done anything, but He had done it all. All of this questioning just confirmed and solidified my rhema word! To put it simply, His Spirit does it.
Your rhema word will bring you peace. In fact, it brought such peace to me, that it stopped all my striving and wonderings about what I was doing in the natural. So my rhema word has provided EXACTLY what I've needed from the Lord to strengthen, not only my stand, but my Christian walk. And God is faithful to remind me of this often, each time I need it.
So you might be asking yourself, "How do you get a rhema word?"
The answer is simple. Ask the Father for it. His Word says, "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you." (Luke 11:9) You, too, will receive and have that "A-ha! Now I get it" moment, if only you ask.
Then you must wait. He'll speak when it's the right time, but He will speak to you. God longs to show you who He is and what He has done personally for you to help you stand. He has a rhema word meant just for you and only you. When you receive it, you will know that no devil in hell and no man on earth can take that word from you. It will carry you forward and strengthen you as you pray for marriage restoration.
Next, when you receive it, care for it, treasure it and apply it to your life circumstances. You must make it a part of your thinking, and let God reveal more of Himself to you through it.
Dear Father, my struggle has not been easy, but I praise You for who you are…Abba, The Counselor, My Provider, and my Only Hope. I come to you humbly, and ask You for a Rhema word for my marriage. I understand that You, and You alone, are the Perfector of my Faith, and the One who has ordered the Universe. I, alone, can do nothing, apart from You. I lay down my wants and desires, to please You, Father. I align my heart with Your Word. I will Praise You during the sunny days and on the darkest nights. You, Lord, are the One I seek first each day and seek to please above all else. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
About five months into my stand (alone; hadn't yet heard of Covenant Keepers ministry), a friend told me I should ask God for a Rhema word to help me "know" that standing was God's will for my life. I had delved deep into the Word in the months since my husband had left home, but I was wavering and struggling to keep the faith that restoration would actually happen. I hoped that if I prayed for something so personal, just for me, that God would give it to me. So that very night, after our conversation, I went to bed praying for God to provide me with such a word.
The following day, just as I was waking up but not fully awake, I heard these words in my spirit: "Not by might, not by power." I understood that I was hearing Scripture, but wasn't sure where to find it in the Bible. I got my Bible and started to dig. Actually, there were no Bible apps in those days (or Google), so I had to use an old-fashioned and very valued concordance to look up the words spoken to me. I found those words in Zechariah 4:6. "Not by might; not by power; but by My spirit, says the Lord of Hosts." I knew by the Spirit of God that was my Rhema word. But, what did it mean? Let's back up just a bit and find out what Rhema itself means.
In the Bible, we find that there are two different Greek words to refer to the word of God. One of these is "logos", and the other is "rhema." Logos refers to the written word. We read the logos and gain knowledge of God and history and all sorts of amazing things. Rhema is different and refers to the intimate speaking of God TO us. It's the truth we need to hear, custom-made just for us! It is God communicating personally to us through the Spirit's voice directly into our hearts. When you get that "rhema" from God, you know in your "knower" that it's from the Lord! It's something quite hard to explain unless you've experienced it before. But, that's what I experienced the morning I woke up to my rhema word in my spirit.
"Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word (rhema) that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4
Now that I had my word, it was time to ask God what it meant. This conversation with God, has taken many life experiences and trials to learn the depth of what this rhema word actually means.
One instance happened just a couple of years ago when the Lord revealed something shocking to me. The Lord revealed to me that what I had thought I had done to bring my husband around to visit me regularly was actually Him. One day when my husband randomly showed up, the Lord asked me, "Did you do that?" To which I replied, "No Lord, you did it." Then, He continued to ask me questions about other things that I had thought I had done, to which I replied, each time, that indeed I hadn't done anything, but He had done it all. All of this questioning just confirmed and solidified my rhema word! To put it simply, His Spirit does it.
Your rhema word will bring you peace. In fact, it brought such peace to me, that it stopped all my striving and wonderings about what I was doing in the natural. So my rhema word has provided EXACTLY what I've needed from the Lord to strengthen, not only my stand, but my Christian walk. And God is faithful to remind me of this often, each time I need it.
So you might be asking yourself, "How do you get a rhema word?"
The answer is simple. Ask the Father for it. His Word says, "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you." (Luke 11:9) You, too, will receive and have that "A-ha! Now I get it" moment, if only you ask.
Then you must wait. He'll speak when it's the right time, but He will speak to you. God longs to show you who He is and what He has done personally for you to help you stand. He has a rhema word meant just for you and only you. When you receive it, you will know that no devil in hell and no man on earth can take that word from you. It will carry you forward and strengthen you as you pray for marriage restoration.
Next, when you receive it, care for it, treasure it and apply it to your life circumstances. You must make it a part of your thinking, and let God reveal more of Himself to you through it.
Dear Father, my struggle has not been easy, but I praise You for who you are…Abba, The Counselor, My Provider, and my Only Hope. I come to you humbly, and ask You for a Rhema word for my marriage. I understand that You, and You alone, are the Perfector of my Faith, and the One who has ordered the Universe. I, alone, can do nothing, apart from You. I lay down my wants and desires, to please You, Father. I align my heart with Your Word. I will Praise You during the sunny days and on the darkest nights. You, Lord, are the One I seek first each day and seek to please above all else. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
Posted in For Standers By Standers
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