50 Truths About Offense

BY: Duke Rohe, Stander
- The good thing about a short memory is you forget who you are angry with.
- If you are slow to take offense, you probably won't become offended.
- Your offense is measured by your entitlement.
- To stay off the defensive, receive everything as input. When on the defensive, everything looks offensive.
- The opposite of love is not hate; it's offense. Offense grows a weight around the neck of it's owner.
- "Don't remain angry about what anger won't change." (from Joyce Meyer)
- Anger is an opportunity to understand: why you get angry, whether it is helpful or not, what you want to do with the emotion, and how you want to redirect its natural tendencies.
- Man grows angry when he can't enforce what he thinks another should do for him.
- Your offense is yours. Until you own it, you tend to attribute it to someone else. You can't fix your offense waiting for someone else to change.
- Take frequent inventories of your offense bank to clear them out.
- The spirit of offense comes at us with high beams on.
- Offense separates – us from others and us from life.
- Offense is the clot that blocks the heart of life from us.
- When offense hits, it leaves behind seeds that take root.
- Jealousy offends.
- You have no right to remain offended.
- There is not a defense for holding an offense.
- We let offense rent space in us.
- The chief weapon of the enemy is a spirit of offense.
- You can't help but offend an offended person.
- What's on your record of offenses? It's not there if you've been forgiven.
- Offenses become a casket if we keep them.
- The only proper response to offense is "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."
- Forgiveness rests its offense.
- Your offense is your opportunity to showcase the high road.
- If you have a collection of offenses, they probably aren't forgiven.
- Little offenses can cripple you. It's usually the accumulation of the small that keeps from receiving the big.
- Retained offense of another is slow suicide to your peace.
- Watch out for the under-the-radar offense.
- Offense is a weight to the soul.
- Anger happens when the sting of offense is more prolonged than how much you have been forgiven.
- Exasperation occurs when you hang onto your offense more than your peace.
- If you are looking for an offense, you'll find one.
- Narrow focus keeps out what it doesn't want to see.
- People tent to magnify a snapshot as if it were the whole picture.
- The Creator told the truth. And that caused offense.
- Truth offends sin.
- Unforgiveness is an enabled offense.
- Offense is the offense of emotion.
- Your offenses define your forgiveness.
- Offense is the murderer of friendship.
- Pride lives secure in hiding. It usually starts as offense and then camouflages as worthlessness. This leads to pity. Recognition is its most evident form, which gets its seeds from entitlement. Heaven calls whatever form or stage it is in sin.
- Offenses maintained are strings attached to the harmful behavior that only we can cut.
- We hang onto yesterday's offense because we value it. If unforgiveness, wounds, offenses keep you there, they are what you treasure. Today was meant for today.
- If you walk in with an offended spirit, you will walk out, either hurt or angry.
- It is better to know you are angry than to ignore you are angry.
- Offenses are dissolved through forgiveness and understanding.
- Offense is like flesh on a stick.
- Jesus chose to take on the sins of men. We can choose to take off the chains of offense.
- Offense is venom to the soul of man.
Duke currently works at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center as a Quality Improvement Education Specialist. Duke graduated from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering. He is a Life Fellow member of the Healthcare Information Systems Society and has achieved its Quality Management Award, Outstanding Fellows Service Award, and Chapter Leadership Award.
Keynote speaker and author of numerous books in his own field, Duke is also a prolific writer of shorter features that are distributed along his path throughout his workplace and through family-oriented ministries such as Covenant Keepers. We were honored with his presence at our Annual Conference in Charlotte NC in 2018 and continue to look forward to the encouraging, growth-stimulating articles he provides for us. He currently resides in Houston, TX.
Duke currently works at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center as a Quality Improvement Education Specialist. Duke graduated from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering. He is a Life Fellow member of the Healthcare Information Systems Society and has achieved its Quality Management Award, Outstanding Fellows Service Award, and Chapter Leadership Award.
Keynote speaker and author of numerous books in his own field, Duke is also a prolific writer of shorter features that are distributed along his path throughout his workplace and through family-oriented ministries such as Covenant Keepers. We were honored with his presence at our Annual Conference in Charlotte NC in 2018 and continue to look forward to the encouraging, growth-stimulating articles he provides for us. He currently resides in Houston, TX.

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