Sowing Back - A Thank You

Covenant Keepers, Inc. is pleased to share that Rex & Carolyn Johnson will officially transition their Director positions to Koji & Deana Bell effective January 1, 2020. The board of trustees voted unanimously to complete this important transition.
Both Rex & Carolyn have agreed to remain on the Covenant Keepers, Inc. Board of Trustees as board members helping to provide Koji & Deana wisdom and council in this new season of Covenant Keepers. Their leadership, encouraging heart and administrative stewardship of Covenant Keepers, Inc. was a blessing and wonderful gift for these many years. We are all so pleased they will continue to be a part of this ministry!
Koji & Deana, along with the Board of Trustees would like to invite you to say thank you for their many years of servant leadership. We’ve agreed to send Rex & Carolyn on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in Jerusalem, Israel in 2020 and we would like your help in funding their trip and covering their expenses.
Giving is easy. Simply go to and click the Fund dropdown and select Retirement Gift and 100% of your gift will be applied to Rex & Carolyn’s registration, travel and other expenses. This is the best way to say thank you for how they have sown into your marriage restoration and their leadership of Covenant Keepers over these many years.
(Please note: This gift opportunity is only available for a limited time so please before 12/31/2019.)
Are you interested in your own Pilgrimage to Israel? Interested in traveling with Rex & Carolyn and many others from Covenant Keepers to Israel? You can register to attend with our friend and host Craig Hill (Family Foundations International). Koji & Deana Bell traveled to Israel with Sid Roth in April, 2019 and can share with you that a trip like this will change your life. See the highlights from Koji & Deana’s Israel trip here.
Thank you for sowing into Rex & Carolyn’s retirement trip to Israel. I pray that your faithful giving is multiplied and returned to you and your marriage. God bless you and God bless your marriage!
Pastor Koji & Deana Bell
Covenant Keepers, Inc.
Both Rex & Carolyn have agreed to remain on the Covenant Keepers, Inc. Board of Trustees as board members helping to provide Koji & Deana wisdom and council in this new season of Covenant Keepers. Their leadership, encouraging heart and administrative stewardship of Covenant Keepers, Inc. was a blessing and wonderful gift for these many years. We are all so pleased they will continue to be a part of this ministry!
Koji & Deana, along with the Board of Trustees would like to invite you to say thank you for their many years of servant leadership. We’ve agreed to send Rex & Carolyn on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in Jerusalem, Israel in 2020 and we would like your help in funding their trip and covering their expenses.
Giving is easy. Simply go to and click the Fund dropdown and select Retirement Gift and 100% of your gift will be applied to Rex & Carolyn’s registration, travel and other expenses. This is the best way to say thank you for how they have sown into your marriage restoration and their leadership of Covenant Keepers over these many years.
(Please note: This gift opportunity is only available for a limited time so please before 12/31/2019.)
Are you interested in your own Pilgrimage to Israel? Interested in traveling with Rex & Carolyn and many others from Covenant Keepers to Israel? You can register to attend with our friend and host Craig Hill (Family Foundations International). Koji & Deana Bell traveled to Israel with Sid Roth in April, 2019 and can share with you that a trip like this will change your life. See the highlights from Koji & Deana’s Israel trip here.
Thank you for sowing into Rex & Carolyn’s retirement trip to Israel. I pray that your faithful giving is multiplied and returned to you and your marriage. God bless you and God bless your marriage!
Pastor Koji & Deana Bell
Covenant Keepers, Inc.
Posted in Directors Cut
Posted in Israel, retirement, trip, Family Foundations International, Craig Hill, Covenant Keepers, Holy Land, gift, sowing, giving, Pilgrimage, gift opportunity, faithful
Posted in Israel, retirement, trip, Family Foundations International, Craig Hill, Covenant Keepers, Holy Land, gift, sowing, giving, Pilgrimage, gift opportunity, faithful
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